Thursday, May 31, 2012

Community Garden YARD SALE

Saturday June 2, 2012
7am to 1pm

Citrus Heights Community Clubhouse
6921 Sylvan Road
Citrus Heights, California  

Come out and see what they have for sale. You never know what treasure you may find and you will be supporting the continual efforts of the Citrus Heights Community Garden

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Celebrations at Sylvan Cemetery

Wow, there were hundreds of residents at the ceremonies this morning at Sylvan Cemetery Citrus Heights, California. Thank you to all that attended. The ceremony this morning was outstanding. It started at 10:30am outside pavilion. Chairs set up, large and small (history) American flags everywhere, what a sight to see!!

The Harmony Express singers were excellent as usual ....... ( I tried to video them so you could enjoy them too but I hit the wrong button on my phone and no video except for clapping. I'll try to better next time)

You are looking at only a fraction of the residents that attended.......  about the same amount of people that were seated inside were standing outside too.....  great attendance this morning.

The entire City of Citrus Heights Council members  (Mayor Jeff Slowey, Vice Mayor Steve Miller, Council Member Jeannie Bruins, Council Member Jayna Karpinski-Costa and  Mel Turner, our newest Council Member), Citrus Heights Police Chief Christopher Boyd plus Sacramento County Board of Supervisors  Roberta MacGlashan

Sacramento County Board of Supervisors - District 4.  Roberta MacGlashan
George Marks/ WWII veteran read a poem from 1943 and it was a tear-jerker. I know George from Root Cellar - Sacramento Genealogical Society . He has lots and lots of family stories.

If you recall, Jim Monteton, American Legion member & President of Neighborhood Assoc. 7&8 in Citrus Heights and is an active resident in Citrus Heights,  was instrumental in getting Theodore Collins Fitch a Civil War Veteran's (died Sept 2, 1901) head stone placed in Sylvan Cemetery in 2011. If you missed that story check the November 28, 2011 post. Jim is working on some others in the same cemetery that do not have head stones. Lots and Lots of paperwork for each headstone.

Unknown Boy Scout from Troop 646........ I was too late to get the pictures of our local Troop 228 that helped with the presenting of the flags at the beginning of the ceremonies. Very impressive. Golden Empire Council Sacramento Boy Scouts

A dear friend, Tonya Wagner, President of Neighborhood #1 of Citrus Heights, President of REACH, is very involved with the Gold Star Wives and Blue Star Families ........  neither is an organization you would want to join or see grow. Tonya's is a member of the Gold Star Wives, her husband has been MIA for almost 50 years.

This is the newest area for Veterans in the Sylvan Cemetery..............

Others at the ceremonies...............  very patriotic!!

 Soldiers through the ages............... 

American Legion
Representatives of the Sons of the American Revolution- Sacramento Chapter   and                        The Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War 
 Citrus Heights Police Department  June 26, 2006, at 8 a.m., CHPD "went live"                                We love our Police Department
Chief Master Sergeant in United States Air Force 
From the Spanish American War Rough Riders, to Civil War soldiers, 
to our modern day soldiers in the Navy and Army.
 The support system, the American Legion Auxiliary ladies selling American flag pins, small American flags and other items.

Did you fly your American Flag today? IF not, why not? Today is one of the few official holidays to show your love of country and your support for our Veteran's from the past and the present.

Today coming back from the cemetery, we drove back down our street (Lee Drive) and there were only 4 American flags flying out of a couple dozen homes.

What do you think Memorial Day is all about?
Remembering our Veteran's? or BBQ'ing?  or baseball games? 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Celebrations at Sylvan Cemetery

A special invitation goes out to residents of Citrus Heights and surrounding areas:

The Citrus Heights American Legion Post #637 and VFW will hold a Memorial Day Cermony at Sylvan Cemetery on Monday May 28, 2012. Invited participants include members of the American Legion, VFW, Sons of the American Revolution, The Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, Boy Scout Troop #228.

As part of this tribute to the fallen Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airmen, and Coast Guard we once again have the Harmony Express.The public is invited to this ceremony which will begin at 10:30am.

                                       ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL

Sylvan Cemetery
7401 Auburn Blvd
Citrus Heights, CA

Saturday, May 26, 2012

NUSA - Saturday - wrapping up the conference

Again I slept through the planned morning fitness. DARN !!

As stated the Best Neighborhood Programs Awards were announced at breakfast. Citrus Heights Cammpout took 3rd place. What we have to  remember is that even thought this is the final judging we have been judged several times already. So we are all winners. We got to have the event in our own neighborhood, and then we felt it was important enough to write it up, create a presentation around it and submit the whole thing to a Naitonal Organization that cares. AND then if you are chosen you get to relive the event all over again so many others can learn about the activity- hopefully taking the idea back to their own neighborhoods and cities to duplicate it there. This is a win-win situation.

I wish I got a closer photot of the Ronda and Mary with their award but I did not. Sorry about that.

Changing of the guard so to speak. So as you can see the NUSA flag has been handed from Indianapolis Indiana group to the next host city, Minnespolis Minnesota for 2013 NUSA Conference

It is tradition to attend the NUSA General Membership Meeting. This is where we all get to let the NUSA boanow what we think ..  what is good, what is not, changes and new additions to consider.

Then the NUSA board has their own closing board meeting this afternoon. I did not attend (and I usually don't) so I went down to Pennsylvania Ave to watch the IPL 500 Festival Parade. What a spectacular parade. I think all the floats are professional made, similar to our fantastic RED, WHITE & BLUE Parade at the end of June......... 

All afternoon and evening free............ hummmmm!! what to do?

Friday, May 25, 2012

NUSA - Generation Collabortion Day- second day

Another morning that I got up too late to participate in morning fitness. DARN!!

I voted first thing this morning. I wanted to do it early so I did not forget. As part of being a NUSA member is your right to vote and I do. IF you didn't vote, I don't want to hear any complaints.

Since all Neighborhood of Year Award presentations were done yesterday, NUSA announced the winners at breakfast.
FIRST PLACE: Physical Revitalization- Single Neighborhood
California Heights Neighborhood Association/ Long Beach, CA - California Heights Home & Garden Tour $400 cash prize

FIRST PLACE: Multi Neighborhood Partnership Projects
Wichita Independent Neighborhoods, Inc/ Wichita Kansas - Neighorhood University $400 cash prize

FIRST PLACE: Social Revitization- Single Neighborhood 
Fairmount Neighborhood Association / Fort Worth Texas - Pancakes in the Park $400 cash prize

NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE YEAR 2012- $1000 cash prize
California Heights Neighborhood Association/ Long Beach, CA
California Heights Home & Garden Tour

AND the surprise of the day were the three winners of this years "Who's Who in America Neighborhood Award" for 2012......  Ronald Loveridge/ City of Riverside // James Roseboro/ City of Witchta // AND Tonya Wagner of Citrus Heights, California (President of REACH and President of North West Neighborhood #1)  it was a complete surprise, a great surprise. She was almost speechless........  Congratulations Tonya!!

This morning the Best Neighborhood Program Award presentations were being presented. We in Citrus Heights are holding our breaths collectively..  we are one of four finalists........ I say we, but I am talking about Mary Poole, Ronda Riviera both with the City of Citrus Heights. They have put together a wonderful presentation about our annual Campout. Keep your fingers crossed,  the winners will be announced on Saturday.  By the way, this is where I spent my morning listening and watching the four presentations for the Best Neighborhood Program. I'd say we have an excellent chance., but it is stiff competition. This cateory does not receive monetary gifts but recognition. - and of course the attention and recognition.

Great luncheon. We are graced with about 120 youth from 12-19 years of age. Some played in this band and gave us some great pre luncheon music... Others were actually attending the Conference for the day. There were lots of awards given out to many of these young people who have excelled in the community neighborhood area. Some great projects going on that are being run by them. GREAT JOB!!!

This was a really  busy luncheon... along with all the youth awards, music, there was a very good inspirational speaker, Paul Schmitz, CEO of Public Allies - excellent.
I am interested in the Affilate Program of NUSA, so I attended a session on just that. I would love to have REACH become a member, but if not I will apply for membership under Sunrise Ranch Neighborhood. I think it is well worth it and it will help get the word out about NUSA and all its benefits.

My afternoon session was "Intergenerational Communities- Understanding the Relevance of Age-Inclusive Neighborhoods" It was very good. Presentor Zachery Benedict, Senior Assoicate, Morrison katman  Mense Inc/ Fort Wayne, Indiana. I have emailed him to get a copy of his presentation. Very interesting informaiton - lots to think about.

This evening we were able to attend a Baseball Game, a picnic and fireworks at Victory Field right next door to the hotel. It was Louisville at Indians....... weather is great,  game still in progress.

Nite to all............. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

NUSA - Neighbor Power Day - First Full Day

Indianapolis, Indiana..........  coming to you directly from the beautiful downtown J.W. Marriott Hotel

The day could have started out with Morning Fitness at 6:15am in the lobby and going for a 30-45 minute walk/run. NOT today NOT for me. I was still sleeping.

All checked in and ready to go......  old blue t-shirt, NEW brown t-shirt, new bag with multitude of paper mailing for the General Membership Meeting on Saturday, New name badge and all my meals and activity tickets..... don't want to loose them.

Opening breakfast was good........  you can see how full the room was. AND you can just see the NEW NUSA banner up front.

Exhibit hall opened this morning. It is basically informational of many local private, public and state agencies.

Neighborhood of the Year Awards presentations are being given all day today. There are 9 neighborhoods competing for the Neighborhood of the Year Award.
Three in the Physical Revitalization-Sinlge Neighborhood- 1) Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association/ St Petersburg Florida - Bunglowfest - A Childrens Cancer Center Charity Event -- renovation of an old run down abandon building, staging them for sale,  business from the area helping in kind with the staging. Profies to the charity........Neighbors helping neighbors, taking back their community, pride in the community. 2) California Heights Neighborhood Association/ Long Beach, CA - California Heights Home & Garden Tour.... takingg back the neighborhood, improvements, getting neighbors to show their homes to the public, charging for the tours. It was very successful and has gotten better every year. Money is earned to help fund other neighborhood activities and projects. 3) Echo Lake Neighborhood Association/ Shorline Washington - Densmore Pathway Project...... developing a great pathway through a neighborhood that connects the school with other parts of the neighborhood. Found residents that had equipment to donate for project, lots of volunteers and plenty of manual work hours.....  they had fun along the way, getting to know their neighbors and connecting with each other.

Two Multi-Neighborhood Partnership Projects; 1) Wichita Independent  Neighborhoods, Inc/ Wichita Kansas - Neighborhood University (unknown- sorry I missed this presentation- still at lunch when it started)  2) MJillersville at Fall Creek Valley Inc/ Indianapolis Indiana - Millersville Project Greenspace: Gateway & Village Transformation - a lot of blight, business leaving the area, needed to decide what was important in the area and develop a plan around that to begin with... the school was an historic building and they focussed on that.....  having musical residals, picnics/BBQ's and community gatherings.

Four in the Social Revitalization -Single Neighborhood.  1) Lafayette Square Area Coalition/ Indianapolis Indiana - A World of Difference - International Parade & Taste the Difference....  declining aging area, preceived crime area........  formed their neighborhood group, made contacts - it seems that they have all these international restaurants in there area, so they made this their focus. They have turned their area around and now it is a destination place to eat.......  they have available almost any type of food you can think of. They also sponsor an International Parade which has been very diverse and successful.  2) Shadow wood Neighborhood/ Coral Springs, Florida - Shadow wood Neighborhood Watch....  a very enthusiastic group with an exceptionally good relations with the Police Department and the City. They have 4 meetings a year at alternating homes (chairs in the driveway).  3) Fairmount Neighborhood Asscoiation/ Fort Worth, Texas -  Pancakes in the Park....... the Neighborhood took advantage of a marathon coming throughh their town. They spoke with the Marathon officials and city officials and got them to change the route so that the runners came through their neighborhood (and other neighborhoos too)... this brought everyone to watch and help. They held a pancake breakfast for everyone. Gave out waters etc.......  it was very sucessful and have done it now for several years. It has brought the Neighborhood resident closer and the other Neighborhoods closer to other Neighborhoods. Cleaned up their areas and pride in their community, 4) Wright Avenue Neighborhood Association/ Little Rock Arkansas - Movies on the Boulevard........ taken back a good part of their neighborhood, got neighbors out and working with each  other....  the project was just as it is stated "Movies on the Boulevard" - outside on the grass - bbq, popcorn etc....... sucessful and they continue to do this each month (sounds just like what Larry is doing over in the Roseville Neighborhoods)

In each category there is a first ($400 cash), second ($300 cash), & third ($100 cash)  place. (for the category with only 2 participants the cash prize is divided up differently)  AND then one presentation is choosen as the Neighborhood of the Year and is given an additional $1000 cash prize. So as you can see it is worth it to put together a project that the neighborhood or city has done and present it..... 

We had lunch on our own today........ PIZZA!! (I wished) and then I went to meet the board candidates. Very informative. 6 out of the 9 candidates were there.  Each year there is an election of 1/3 of the board of directors. So they dedicated a session to meeting the  9 board candidates. We will vote for up to 7 of them on Friday. It is great having them all in one place at the same time.

AND topping off the day was the Neighborhood Pride Tours with Dinner.........  mine was called  "The Lafayette Square Area: From Regional Mall to International Marketplace" (YES it is the same tour as the presentation I listened to this afternoon) Very Good Tour........ nice comfortable airy roomy bus. On top of having all the Internatinal Restaurants in their Neighborhood they have also converted an old abandon tire shop to a nice service center for the neighborhood. They have computer hookups, plus a book library, several televisions and tables and chairs for the community to have meetings and other functions. This is a new project, so still lots of work to do.... alot on the outside with a garden and flowers. There are 3 large areas in the garage. Last year they had a food trucks event. I guess food trucks are big out here.

International Market......  very diverse, lots to look through and you can see by the next picture.

Some of the many international restaurants....... 

Migrants Gardens - free land that this Shopping Mall donated

...... and this is the abondon tire shop that the neighborhood was given and they are turning it into a great meeting place for anyone in the communtity. As you can almost see, there is lots to do outside. Today it was in the upper 80's......  a little warmer than normal for this time of year.