Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is the Citizens Academy for you?

The Citrus Heights Police Department is projecting to have another Citizen’s Academy class starting sometime in mid to late May. The Citizen Police Academy consists of 10-three hour sessions every week.  Each class is instructed by well-trained and experienced officers of the police department. Graduates of the academy will have a clearer understanding of the police department. They are limiting this class to 40 students and they already have a handful of people on the waitlist for the start date of this class.

A Citizen’s Academy application can be obtained at the front lobby of Citrus Heights Police Department during business hours. (the registration form maybe on their website - listed below) When Larissa receives an application, sheI will put it on the waitlist. Once a start date is officially announced, she will call all of the applicants to tell them the date and any additional information about the class. So get your applications in early so you can nab your seat in our free Citizen’s Academy! Have a great week!

Larissa Wasilevsky
Community Services Officer
Professional Standards and Training Unit
City of Citrus Heights Police Department
6315 Fountain Square Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-727-5879 (voice)
916-727-5979 (fax)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Senior Health Fair - 2011

Don't forget!
2011 Senior Health Fair will be happening 
Saturday, May 14, 2011
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
in the

Fountain Square Rose Garden
6237 Fountain Square Drive
Citrus Heights

Free Screenings
Free Entertainment
Wellness Walk and Role - 1 mile - Starts at 10:0 am.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FREE Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off

The City of Citrus Heights and Allied Waste Services are providing three FREE drop-offs for Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), sharps and batteries to help residents recycle and properly dispose of hazardous materials. The joint effort is to provide a safe, convenient HHW disposal option.

This first free drop-off is Saturday, May 7, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the back parking lot of Sunrise Mall, located at 6196 Sunrise Mall in Citrus Heights. Drop-offs are convenient ways to help protect the environment.

Acceptable materials include common household items such as: automotive fluids, acids, household and auto batteries, pesticides, motor oil, gasoline, home-generated needles and syringes, household cleaners, paints, solvents and fluorescent lamps and tubes. No ammunition, explosives or radioactive material or e-waste can be accepted.

Appointments encouraged: Please call (916) 638-9000 or (916) 725-9060 to schedule an appointment or for more information.

This program is only for Citrus Heights residential customers serviced by Allied Waste. Proof of residency (Allied Waste bill or other identification) required. No commercial customers or businesses, please.

Each customer drop-off will be limited to 15 gallons of liquid or 125 pounds of material per vehicle. Future HHW drop-off events will be held in August and October. Look for more information in upcoming Allied Waste bill statements.