Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NUSA (Neighborhoods USA) Conference

NUSA (Neighborhood USA Conference). This is an annual event. City's bid for the honor of being the host. Host Cities are chosen years out. It is a big honor but alot of work and alot of volunteers too. It is geneally held over the Memorial Day weekend - Wednesday through Saturday. Generally there are several pre- activities and several post activities schedule for just pure pleasure- each host city is hoping that you will come early and/or stay longer and enjoy their city and state.

NUSA Mission Statement:  NUSA provides opportunities for diverse people and organizations to share their ideas, values and experiences to build stronger communities.

You can check out the History of the organization and anything else you want to know by going to their website http://www.nusa.org/ but the concept of the idea before 1976 between two neighborhoods in two different states and as they say it grew to what it is today. The first official gathering was held in Kansas City, Missouri in 1976 and continues strong. I have been attending since 2005 starting right here in Sacramento.
2005 Sacramento, California
2006 Kansas City, Missouri
2007 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
2008 Hampton,Virginia

2009 Spokane, Washington2010 Little Rock, Arkansas

In 2009 a number of us were able to attend the Spokane Washington NUSA Conference.  Citrus Heights Soar Neighborhood, #10, entered their "Healthy City's Senior Health Fair" and won Grand Prize and First Place. Wow, were we all excited! It was a great day for us. We were all so proud. Jayna Karpinski Costa and Lorraine Flurry from Area #10 made the presentation.

Now in 2011, Jayna Karpinski Costa is returning to NUSA as a presenter of this project. What a great opportunity to share with other Neighborhoods around the USA, Canada and Japan. Yes Japan, they are very interested in the Neighborhood concept and have been attending for several years.  Congratulations to SOAR and to Citrus Heights.

Oh did I mention that the May 25-28 2011 is in Alaska. http://www.nusa2011.org/.  Check it out, you maybe interested in attending. It is several days of classes given by various groups from around the country that present programs letting you know what they are doing in their Neighborhoods, what is working and what is not working. It is very benefical and lots of fun too. Each day there is something special planned by the host city, which is Anchorage, Alaska this year.

NOTE: 2012 NUSA -Indianapolis, IN   May 23-26, 2012

Monday, February 21, 2011

Budget for REACH and the Neighborhoods

Our neighborhood is looking for a project for this fiscal year (July-June)... we have about $1800 to spend on a community improvement. Put your thinking caps on and we can discuss it at the meeting or send me your suggesions.

If you are not aware, REACH (Residents Empowerment Association of Citrus Heights- made up of one resident from each Neighborhood for a total of 10 - Area 7 & 8 have combined and meet together as one Neighborhood) goes through the budget process each year with the City of Citrus Heights. Each year we have money's cut from our budget. This year we have about $1800 per Neighborhood to spend on improvement projects and $1000 for administrative funds (copies, ink, food, snacks, drinks, items for Parade, Holiday Party, and more).

Another part of the REACH budget includes money for the Senior Super Star Program and the Family Campout. Until this year it also included money to send anywhere from two to six residents to the annual NUSA (Neighborhood USA) Conference. These conferences are held on the east coast one year and the west coast the next and back and forth...... so the total cost could range from $1000 to $1800 per person. This year there was nothing in the budget for NUSA attendees. So if anyone wants to go this year, the cost is on you. It is well worth the cost but it is not cheap when you count in the airfaire, hotel, registration and extras...  yes there are always extras.

February 22 2011

Reminder about our February 22, 2011 Meeting. 6:30pm the doors open and 7pm the festivities will begin. Twin Oaks Ave Baptist Church, corner of Twin Oaks Blvd and Mariposa Ave. Citrus Heights 95610

Lots of Neighborhood and City Announcements
Neighbor discussions (3minutes each)

TAXES - Do you have questions? We hope to have answers. What has changed? What is new this year?

POP Officer from the City of Citrus Heights will also be available. They will update us about the neighborhood activities from the previous month. Please feel free to ask questions.


Thank you for stopping by. We want to welcome you to our neighborhood within the City of Citrus Heights, California.

We meet the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 7pm (6:30p doors open) at the Twin Oaks Ave Baptist Church at the corner of Twin Oaks Blvd and Mariposa Ave.

Citrus Heights is divided into 11 Neighborhoods and Sunrise Ranch Neighorhood is AREA 6. Our boundaries are Placer County/Sacramento County line on the North end, south on Sunrise Blvd, west on Old Auburn Blvd and north on Auburn Blvd. We have some businesses on the main arteries and all residential inside those boundaries with a couple of schools and churches.

Check as you go in and out of our neighborhood for our entrance signs.......

All are very welcome to attend our meetings.